Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If you have any additional questions, please contact us here or email


Is anything mailed or shipped to me?

Nothing is mailed or shipped to you.



When is the burn completed?

We offer FAST service - burns are done within 3 days. 

Do you provide burn photos?

You will receive a photo of your ancestor money before it is burned.



When is the spell cast?

Your spell will be cast within 1 week after purchase, unless we specifically state otherwise.

How long before spell results?

No guarantees. Every situation is different. Time frames and results vary. Be patient, positive, and give your spell a chance to work.

Do you provide spell reports?

We do not provide photos, videos, reports, etc. After casting your spell(s), we will contact you with confirmation that it was done.

Will the spell work on a celebrity, athlete, singer, famous person, etc.?

No, it is for someone who personally knows you, and with whom you have some type of contact and personal, one-on-one relationship.

Will the spell work if there is a restraining order, court case, or some other, similar legal situation?

The spell will not work in this type of situation. It is not a positive and friendly enough circumstance for the spell to manifest.